
Saturday, 2 March 2013

Adding Character to Your Photo Shoots With Water Themes

You might have mastered light, composition and a handsome amount of photo techniques, yet, when you look at your final product you feel that there is still something missing. As if something is not right. This tends to happen when we tend to overlook the very basic elements that give character to a photograph.

What are these basics that give a photograph these characteristics? They can be summed up in words like: movement, joy, spirit and soul. These simple rudiments produce dynamics, energy and vibrancy. They give an identity together with depth; they simply put the whole choreographed set piece on fire.
In managing to transmit these feelings one has to find the proper medium. One particular versatile medium that I have successfully worked with is water. It has a character of itself interchanging in an array of dimensions, styles and shapes. But, how do we incorporate these properties in our photo shoots? Hereunder I would like to share with you some set ups that I am sure would jumpstart your locomotive brain in motion.
Do you remember the classical film shoot in La Dolce Vita where model and singer Christa Paffgen strides in knee high water in the Trevi Fountain in Rome? If you have not seen it, I suggest you do. It is inspiring as it manages to capture all the above mentioned fundamentals in one single shoot.
Start by trying to mimic this master set piece and along the way be creative and create your own style. A word of caution, always get the necessary permits if you intend to use public fountains. It is always wise to have in place these legal aspects issues so that your photo shoot runs smoothly.
You can always avoid these hassles if a family member or a friend has a garden with a big fountain and is willing to cooperate. A couple of prints would be much appreciated by the fountain owner as a way to show your gratitude.
Water Games
Again, this might be easier for you if you have access to a private pool. This can be rented from a private owner or as mentioned before from someone that is eager to share his pool for your photo shoot.
In such a photo shoot you can revel in works related to movement. This can be from simple swimming styles such as butterfly style, back and forward strokes to more challenging actions such as diving and board jumping.
If you are working with more that one model than one can indulge in sports games such as tag-of-war, wrestling, water pistol shooting or aerobic workouts with noodles. It is guaranteed that laughter, amusement and hilarious moments would electrify you photo shoot with liveliness and power.
Water Parks
These kinds of amusement places offer a multitude of different levels from which a photographer can shoot his model. One moment you can be shooting from the top of a high water slide and next you will be shooting from an underwater tunnel. Working with the right models, with the right attitude one can produce awesome photo shoots in these kind of set ups.
Moreover, restrooms, changing rooms and many more facilities are easily available in these kinds of parks. One can talk to the management and set up a menu for lunch specifically for your models. In so doing, plans for the rest of the day can be discussed while everyone is being refreshed.
In order to make sure that such photo shoots run smoothly it is vital to plan ahead. These kinds of events require careful planning where each and every detail is meticulously taken care of.
Last but not least, it is important to note that working in these kind of set ups one needs the proper equipment. Needless to say, water, especially sea water is no friend to photographic equipment. It is imperative that you make sure that your gear is protected and taken care of during and after the photo shoot.
Do you want to master the art of posing a model? Do you want to know how to monetize those hundreds of photos stored in your computer? or perhaps you want to learn how to enhance your photos with effects and tricks! If yes, visit where you will find all the answers you need to make the most out of your photographic hobby!

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