
Thursday, 31 January 2013

Essential Tips For Buying Photography Lighting Kits


Regardless of the quality of camera you possess or the types of equipments you use, your photographs will not be able to impress your viewers unless you have properly lit your foreground and background. Therefore, you must give importance to proper usage along with buying the right equipments. Here is some basic information about lighting kits that you must know before investing your money in them.
Choosing between continuous light and flash:
In case of flash lighting, the camera automatically turns on the light just before the photographer is about to click the picture and turns it off immediately. This is an excellent choice for professional photographers, who can very well visualize the way their subject will be lit when the flash will be switched on. Since they are lit for a very short time, they do not cause any inconvenience to the subject as well as the photographer. However, this source of light often produces harsh lighting, which, if not handled properly, can give you unpleasant results.
For amateur shutterbugs, continuous Lighting kits are a great way to control the lighting and get excellent photographers.In this case, the photographer will have all the liberty to adjust the camera setting and the lighting sources to get rid of all the shadows and get the desired effects. When you use continuous lighting for your work, you need to choose the types of lights you will use. Here are the options.
  • Hotlights: Also known as tungsten lights produce a lot of heat and therefore, make the studio atmosphere hot and unbearable for the people inside it. They are so hot that they can even cause fire when used for a long time. For photographing frozen products such as ice-cream, this is a bad option, as the products will melt due to the heat generated by the bulbs. They can be used for taking pictures of small objects but for people, as they are not very effective. When used, a yellowish tint can be seen in the picture. Although this can be adjusted but not to a level to match the daylight color.  

  • Cool lights: are made of fluorescent lights that are comfortable, as they do not produce a lot of heat. They are very close to the daylight and therefore, a better option. Even though they give a bluish look to the picture, this can be conveniently adjusted.
Control your exposure:
The issue of shadows and harsh light will always be there in photography. Good Studio Lighting kits must therefore, contain equipments to deal with them. The light deficiencies that cause shadows can be comfortably handled by reflectors. When you are having a shadow in your shot, either add more light to it or use a reflector to direct the existing light to cover them up. Diffusers are used when the light is too harsh for the subject to face or if there is any hot spot in your frame. The diffusers will soften the light by reducing the light intensity through absorption, thereby eliminating any highlights.
Even if you buy the most expensive Photography Lighting kits, you will not be satisfied with the results unless you use the equipments appropriately. Learn the proper technique to get amazing results.
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