
Monday, 28 January 2013

A Hands on Review of the Canon 50mm F/1.8 II Lens


There have been many lenses in my life, some of them have been great and some of them not so great. I for sure have had my share of spending way too much on a lens only for it to sit in my camera bag as a unwanted fragile passenger, well unwanted is not the word, it would be best defined as a weary passenger. We are all to familiar with the feeling of being out shooting and the uncomfortable burden of guilt that is tethered to not using a lens.
With that I have had the exact opposite experience where I spent next to nothing on a lens and found it almost welded onto my Canon 7D. This lens was the Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 II Autofocus Lens which goes for about $104 online and is the second version of this unbelievable prime lens. Honestly, I never thought that I would spend more for my cameras memory this year after buying a Transcend 32GB 600X Compact Flash than on a new lens. Now that's just strange!
From the very first unboxing you will find immediately that the lens is fairly, lets say, cheaply made. Admittedly, I might add, I was even a little surprised to discover how cheap the lens feels. Well at some point you attach the lens and walla first light.
After the first or second shot you will instantly forget about that the cheap feeling of the lens and you realize that this lens is an absolute beauty. Shot after shot you will discover that the depth of field at f/1.8 and the sweet bokeh you create is unmatched. Well that is for the $119 that you spent on the lens. Of course you could go and spend $369 on the Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 and achieve a slight bit more DOF and bokeh but honestly the sharpness of the EF 50mm f/1.4 II is in my opinion is slightly crisper in the details.
I have been addicted to this lens now for several months and I can't seem to stop shooting with it. It's a workhorse that won't leave you disappointed and as long as you treat her with care she will provide you with some amazing shots.
To see some sample shot that I have taken with this great little lens, stop on by my personal website.
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